Sunday, December 19, 2010

Re-Inventing Relaxation & Healing

Most spa's typically offer massages, pedicures, facials and body waxing; All of which provide a nurturing, relaxing setting allowing much needed pampering.

Peace of Mind is tapping into an underground world of therapuetic healing with the power of water. While most pool-side and home hot tubs are fun, we are featuring an environment that not only promotes gratification,but treatment of disease, pain, and spiritual purification. Stay tuned & support us as we move forward, reveal, and prosper the science and practice of hydrotherapy.

Hydrotherapy has been influenced as well as opposed; It is seen as unorthodox, yet recommended, by medical practitioners, native healers, and those who, through experience understand and have been healed by the power of water.

Back home in California, my friends and I used to go to the private day spas simply for recreational fun. Rather it was on a date with your significant other, or a girls pampering day, we utilized the hot tubs without knowledge of the ultimate meditation we were actually receiving. Ancient Egyptians, Persians & Hindus all used water in the treament of diseases and more than just indulgence but for simple cleanliness.

According to Siegfried Giedion's Mechanization Takes Command, "The role that bathing plays within a culture reveals the cultures attitude toward human relaxation."

Peace of Mind's goal is to re-invent the once "fashionable resort visited by royalty" within a spa and expose this hydrotherapy treatment across the world. While our practice may not be found without flaw, we are stepping into this new decade; Equipped exclusively with high-end jet lined hot tubs,a serene atmosphere, and entertainment, we are dedicated to display purpose and a design to assist today's society with the option to be naturally healed and manifest the real quality of a spa.